Align with Veronica Podcast

Self-Awareness Meditation

Veronica Penacho Episode 4

Join me in this 25-minute guided meditation. Whether you are new to meditation or have some experience, this session is crafted to help you deepen your practice with patience and persistence. 

  • Learn how to set intentions to guide your meditation practice.
  • Discover techniques for releasing physical and emotional tension.
  • Develop skills for maintaining focus and concentration.

Thank you for joining us on this journey to self-awareness. Remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share this episode with those who might benefit from it. 

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Welcome to this guided meditation. Today, we will journey together to strengthen self-awareness, direct our attention, build focus, and enhance concentration. Whether you are new to meditation or have some experience, know that this practice is like any other exercise: it can be challenging at first, but with patience and persistence, you will see progress.

Just as stepping into a gym for the first time can feel overwhelming, starting a meditation practice might seem difficult. It’s important to remember that this is perfectly normal. Give yourself the grace and compassion to start small and recognize that meditation isn't about reaching a destination but rather about deepening your awareness and sharpening your focus. Remember, it's a journey, and like any journey, it takes time and practice. So, be patient with yourself and trust the process.

Find a comfortable position, either sitting on a cushion with your legs crossed or lying down on your back with your arms by your sides. If you prefer, you can even stand in a relaxed mountain pose. Gently close your eyes. As you take the deepest inhale in through your nose and as you exhale through your nose, visualize each breath as a wave washing away tension, leaving your body lighter and more at ease. Feel the tension dissolve from your shoulders, neck, back, and flow down through your entire body, reaching your fingertips and toes.

Before we begin our journey today, let's take a moment to set a clear and heartfelt intention for our practice. This intention will serve as our compass, guiding and anchoring us throughout the meditation. It's like setting a goal for our practice, giving us a sense of direction and purpose.

If you haven't already, gently close your eyes and center yourself by taking a few deep breaths. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. Allow your breath to bring you into the present moment.

Reflect on the purpose of today's meditation: to strengthen self-awareness, direct our attention, build focus, and enhance concentration. As you continue to breathe deeply, consider what you would like to gain from this practice. Perhaps you wish to develop a clearer mind, a deeper sense of inner peace, or a stronger ability to remain present. Keep this purpose in mind as we continue our journey.

Create a simple, positive statement that encapsulates your intention. It could be something like:

  • "I intend to cultivate a deeper awareness of myself."
  • "I aim to strengthen my ability to focus and concentrate."
  • "I seek to direct my attention with clarity and purpose."
  • "I aspire to enhance my concentration and bring calm to my mind."

Hold this intention gently in your mind. Feel the sincerity and commitment behind your words. As you breathe in, imagine breathing in this intention, filling your body and mind with its essence. As you breathe out, release any doubts or distractions that may stand in the way.

Allow this intention to be your guide throughout the meditation, gently reminding you of your purpose and keeping you anchored in the present moment. Take a few more deep breaths, feeling the power of your intention growing with each inhale and exhale. And remember, be gentle with yourself during this practice. If your mind wanders or you find it challenging to stay focused, it's okay. This is all part of the process, and you're doing great.

When you are ready, carry this intention with you as we move into the next phase of our practice.

Now, bring your attention to your breath. Observe its natural rhythm, the way it flows in and out effortlessly. There's no need to change anything; simply be aware of the breath as it is. Feel the cool, refreshing air entering your nostrils and the warm, soothing air leaving your body. With each breath, feel your body becoming more relaxed. Let go of any tension in your shoulders, neck, and face. Allow yourself to be fully present in this moment.

Use your breath as an anchor in your practice. If your mind wanders, and it will, 'noticing' is a key practice. It means becoming aware that your mind has wandered, without judgment or frustration. This noticing is a sign that you are aware of this distraction. Gently acknowledge this and bring your attention back to your breath.

Begin to shift your attention from your breath to your body. Start at the top of your head and slowly move down. Notice any vibrations, areas of tension, or discomfort, as well as moments of lightness and ease.

As you scan each part of your body, take a moment to relax that area. Soften your forehead, unclench your jaw, and ease any tightness in your neck and shoulders. Pause here and take a moment to fully relax this area. Move your attention down your arms, feeling them grow heavy and relaxed. Continue down through your chest, noticing the rise and fall with each breath.

By consciously relaxing each part of your body, you release built-up tension and stress, which can accumulate throughout the day. It also enhances your ability to recognize and respond to your body's signals, which can be crucial for maintaining physical health.

Continue to guide your awareness down through your torso, paying attention to your belly. Notice any sensations here and allow your stomach to soften. As you move to your lower back and hips, let go of any tightness or discomfort. Feel the support of the surface beneath you, and allow your body to sink into it.

Now, bring your focus to your legs. Feel the weight of your thighs, knees, calves, and ankles, noticing any areas of tension. Let these areas relax and grow heavy. Finally, move down to your feet, feeling each toe, the arches, and the heels. Allow your feet to relax completely, letting go of any remaining tension.

This body scan not only helps in releasing physical tension but also cultivates a sense of mindfulness and present-moment awareness. By regularly practicing this, you can develop greater self-awareness and emotional regulation, ultimately leading to a more balanced and harmonious life. Take a few moments to enjoy this state of relaxation.

As you become more attuned to your physical sensations, let's shift our focus inward to explore our emotional landscape. Take a moment to observe any emotions that are present within you. There's no need to judge these emotions or try to change them; simply acknowledge them as they are.

Notice where these emotions reside in your body. Perhaps you feel a sense of warmth in your chest, a tightness in your stomach, or maybe a lightness or heaviness that accompanies certain feelings. Notice if worry, calm, sadness, or any other feeling is present. Identify these sensations and allow them to exist without resistance.

Gently breathe into any areas of tension or discomfort, or heightened emotional sensation. Imagine your breath as a soothing balm, bringing relaxation and ease to these parts of your body. This mindful attention can help release stored emotions and promote a sense of well-being.

Remember, this practice is not about fixing or changing anything but about being present with whatever arises. By practicing regularly, you will likely notice an increased ability to navigate life's challenges with more resilience and grace.

As you become more aware of your emotions, extend compassion towards yourself. Understand that it is perfectly normal to experience a range of emotions. Embrace them with kindness and curiosity. If you encounter challenging emotions, imagine breathing into those areas of your body where they are most intense. With each breath, visualize these feelings softening and dispersing, creating space for calm and clarity.

Bring your attention back to your breath. Notice the steady rhythm of your inhalation and exhalation. Allow each breath to anchor you firmly in the present moment. Focusing your attention on the rhythm of your breath can be a powerful tool for achieving a sense of calm and focus.

Choose a point of focus for your attention. It could be the sensation of your breath, a particular sound, or repeating your intention. Commit to keeping your attention on this chosen point. Directing your attention to a single point can help you cultivate mindfulness and reduce distractions by strengthening your focus. By consistently returning your focus to this anchor, you train your mind to remain present and engaged, rather than being directed by distraction. The goal is not to eliminate thoughts or feelings but to observe them without judgment and gently bring your focus back to your selected point of attention.

As you concentrate, you may notice your mind wandering. This is natural. Each time you become aware of your mind drifting, gently guide it back to your point of focus. Think of it as training a muscle; the more you practice, the stronger your concentration will become.

Visualize your focus as a beam of light that not only illuminates but also warms and energizes the point of focus. Let it illuminate your chosen point, brightening it with your attention. With each breath, feel your concentration deepening and your mind becoming more serene and centered.

Now, let’s take a moment to fully immerse ourselves in the present. I will leave you with a minute of silence to practice focused attention and awareness.

To help measure your progress and observe how often your mind wanders, we’ll use a simple technique: each time you notice your mind has drifted, gently raise or lower a finger. This is not about judgment but about observation and awareness. It allows you to see how your attention, focus, and concentration are developing over time.

This technique can be especially helpful when you’re starting. Over time, as you see your attention and focus improving, you might find that this physical counting becomes less necessary. You’ll naturally direct your focus to the meditation and the intention you’ve set.

You might also mentally note 'wandering' when you notice your mind drifting, then gently return to your point of focus.

When you hear the soft bell sound, the minute of silence will begin. When you hear the bell again, the minute will be over.

Choose a point of focus for your attention. It could be the sensation of your breath, your intention, or even a visual image in your mind. Commit to keeping your attention on this chosen point.

As you settle into this minute of silence, remember: Each time your mind wanders, gently raise or lower a finger to mark this observation.  When you notice the distraction, gently guide your focus back to your chosen point.

(Bell sound) 
(Minute of silence begins) 
(Bell sound)

As we near the end of our meditation, shift your focus towards feelings of gratitude. Reflect on something or someone in your life that you are grateful for. It could be a person, a pet, a place, or even an experience. It could be as simple as thanking yourself for creating this safe space to go within. Allow yourself to fully feel the warmth and appreciation that comes with this gratitude.

Take a few moments to fully immerse yourself in this feeling of thankfulness. Notice how it affects your body and your mind. Gratitude can be a powerful tool for nurturing positivity and well-being.

As you continue to bathe in the warmth of gratitude, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment. Pay attention to the sensations in your body and the rhythm of your breath. Feel the contact between your body and the surface you are resting on, grounding you in the here and now.

Recognize that this moment is unique and yours to cherish. You are here, you are now, you are present. Embrace the sense of peace and calm that you have cultivated during this meditation. Know that you can return to this state of mindfulness and awareness at any time simply by focusing on your breath and settling into the present.

Slowly begin to bring your awareness back to your surroundings. Jiggle your fingers and toes, stretch your arms and legs, and gently open your eyes when you feel ready. Take a moment to notice how you feel now compared to when you began.

Carry this sense of mindfulness and tranquility with you as you go about your day. Remember, the practice of self-awareness is a journey, and every moment is an opportunity to deepen your practice. You may notice that your attention seems to wander frequently. This is normal. Think of this meditation as a gym for your mind; strengthening self-awareness, directing attention, building focus, and enhancing concentration. These skills are always within you, ready to be accessed at any time.

It’s been a pleasure guiding you in today’s meditation practice. Thank yourself for taking this time today, and remember that this practice is a gift you give to yourself. Carry this self-awareness, mindful attention, laser focus, and concentration with you as you go about your day.

As we conclude, I invite you to bring your hands together in Anjali Mudra, a gesture that symbolizes the union of mind and body, and the divine and human within us. In this spirit of unity and presence, we honor our connection with our mind, body, and spirit. Namaste.

Thank you for joining.

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